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Vintage Postcards Using Google Maps

Resembling vintage photos from a bygone era, these time-aged Postcards from Above are actually aerial images taken from Google Maps.
Greta Mayr
October 09, 2012


Resembling vintage photos from a bygone era, these time-aged Postcards from Above are actually aerial images taken from Google Maps and reworked by Hungarian art director, Akos Papp, ad agency at BBDO New York. Instead of just using Google Maps as a directory tool, Papp takes snaps of businesses, schools, shipping yards, airports and more, retouching them to look of a 1950s postcard.

Papp was inspired by the idea of being able to show loved ones the various foreign places he has travelled using mesmerising aerial imagery, and creates a pleasant reminder of a way we once communicated.

Here are 12 examples from Akos Papp's collection.