
A Guide to Earning Brownie Points this Mother’s Day

We hunt out some brownie point gaining options for you to spoil your Mum on Mother's Day.

Fritha Hookway
May 06, 2013


Is it just me or does Mother's Day seem to catch you by surprise each year too? For some reason I always seem ill-prepared when it comes to planning something thoughtful. Too many times have I found myself doing a mad late night dash to New World to grab some tolken Mumsy looking magazine and a box of Roses chocolates. And too many times though has this been met with an adequately Mumsy phrase such as "Fritha Grace Hookway, I did not come down in the last shower". You know you've really blown it when you get the full-name treatment..

So, in order to equip not only myself, but all of you as well, for this year's Mother's Day we felt a list of sentimental suggestions would go down a treat. We've hunted out some solid picks for eating, treating, shopping, laughing and seeing your way through some of Auckland's best Mother's Day offerings. Consider it the Concrete Playground guide to raking in some serious brownie points. You are welcome.


Mother's Day Feast | The Grill by Sean Connolly | Sunday, May 12 2013

Sure, the alliterate nature of Father's Day Feast definitely rolls off the tongue a little better, but either way there aren't too many Mums who'd turn their noses up at this delicious affair. The Grill by Sean Connolly is hosting a special shared lunch as a way to honour the mother of all celebrations. Anyone whose ever dined at The Grill before will know we are talking scrumptious food and with a glass of bubbles and the braised lamb on the menu, you've got a clear win on your hands.

One lucky Concrete Playground reader will get the chance to take their mother along to the Mother's Day Feast at The Grill. Click here to enter.


Mother's Day High Tea at the Pullman | Sunday, May 12 2013

For years it's seemed that High Tea at the Langham has been the go to. And we are definitely not bagging those scones any time soon. However, there has been some good competition in the afternoon tea space this year and to mix it up we're putting forward the Pullman as our pick for Sunday. Featuring deliciously traditional treats such as macarons and club sandwiches served on tiered cake stands (of course), it's a perfectly quaint way to spend the afternoon with Mum.

Once again, we've got a giveaway tied to this tasty affair. Click here to enter.


Bloc | 20 Normanby Road, Mt Eden

This one may be a little more in the mums and daughters category, but still a hard one to go past. Any guesses? Shopping, of course. Among the shopaholics here at Concrete Playground we did do some good debating over where the best place for this is. The winner in the end is the BLOC in Mt Eden. Mainly because we are big fans of all 6 stores at BLOC - Douglas & Bec, BoConcept, Citta Design, WORLD Beauty, Collected (seriously, how do they find such cool bits and bobs!) and COOL FOOD. And with them all under one roof, you've pretty much nailed it – Mum will be in heaven. Head along for a "shoppy morning" that can begin with a coffee and a brownie at COOL FOOD, followed by a peruse of scented candles, snazzy cushions and unnecessary (yet somehow so justifiable) nick nacks for your room. Chances are you'll come away with something too.

Concrete Playground has a $50 Voucher to COOL FOOD cafe, click here to enter.


Le Comique | Sky City Theatre | Sunday, May 12 2013 - 7:30pm

While feasts are great and sweet treats are delicious, there's nothing like a good lol to bond with Mum, right? As you'll all be aware the Comedy Festival is in full swing and having given our abs a workout at a number of shows we're in a good place to say she's a good one. Of all the shows on the agenda, Le Comique is always a stand out. The show hand picks some of the best of local and international comedians so there's something in there for everyone. It also just feels like a fresh and different present idea and probably one that your Mum mightn't expect, so there's bonus points to be had for originality. Yessir.

If you think Le Comique could be a goer, we've got a double pass to give away for Sunday's show. Click here for details.


Chromacon | Aotea Centre | Sunday, May 12 2013 - 9:00am

Definitely, Chromacon. This is a community focused event which aims to provide local comic artists and illustrators an opportunity to exhibit and sell their work. You'll recognise names like Dylan Horrocks and Ant Sang, our award-winning comic artists. There are also illustrators and concept artists like Paul Tobin, Nick Keller, Tim Gibson from Weta Workshop and Tom Robinson from Sidhe, our largest video game studio. Basically, this is totally one of those things that (if your Mum is into a bit of art) will go down as a super thoughtful trip out looking at some really cool stuff. Plus, it's free. Wee bonus.

So, with all that on the cards (and a good chance of winning something if you actually read this article thoroughly) hopefully you're in a better position to wow this Sunday than you might've been before. When I first joined the team at Concrete Playground I made sure my Mum was one of the first people I spammed to sign up to the newsletter. I know she actually reads them as well because I get texts most Tuesdays saying things like: "I read your editor's note, you used a colon instead of a semi colon in the second paragraph. You should fix it" or "What does yolo mean? I'm not sure that's a word" - but I know deep down it's all supportive. So Mum, if you're reading this one I'll do a special shout out to ya. Happy Mothers Day! Keep up the good work 'cause you da bomb, yolo.