Arts & Entertainment

A Harry Potter Party is Coming to Auckland

Calling all Potterheads.
By Stephen Heard
May 08, 2017

The notion of a wizard festival first came to light last year thanks to a mysterious collective named Peeves' Gang — "a group of witches and wizards dedicated to interacting, socialising and partying with Muggles". The gang threw a string of Harry Potter-themed parties in some sizeable venues across Australia to recognise the chosen one's birthday on July 31.

While a few of you may shudder at the idea of celebrating a fictional wizard's born day, the bulging RSVP list for the forthcoming New Zealand debut suggests that you might just be the minority here. Organisers of the Auckland edition have been forced to throw their original venue out the window due to the growing number of interested parties.

Wizard Fest Auckland will take place at a yet-to-be-confirmed venue on August 4. It's dress-up of course (there will be prizes for the best) and Potterheads can expect to have their fill of refreshments like: Butter Beer, Fire Whiskey and Polyjuice Potion.

Those interested can register for tickets here.