News Culture

Concrete Playground hits Queen’s Day in Amsterdam

This is why orange is the new black?
Dan Maas
June 07, 2012


With the recent celebrations of our Queen's Jubilee, we thought it would be relevant to showcase another country's celebration of their royal heritage. London correspondent Dan Maas (who gave us London, What Are You Listening To?) offers his insights into his recent bender at Queen's Day in Holland and why orange is the new black?

Growing up with Dutch parents, but born in New Zealand, I guess you could say I am a Kiwi in clogs. Although I am an absolutely stoked New Zealander, it is nice to have a home away from home especially within an hour of London. Visiting Oma (Grandma) was a little more difficult growing up I have to say.

Of course on these visits back, I have always had the fortune of being able to visit the Dam which is undoubtedly a great place. Of course it is known for the obvious stuff which has its place, but get past all of that and you will find a truly unique city that oozes urban culture. If you are into cool people, sweet kicks, unreal clubs, history, arts, screamers and croquets, then this is your town.

At the center of Holland, Amsterdam is always going to be the place that positions itself in the front row for any big national event. If you have not heard of Queen's Day, their national celebration, then brace yourself to dial Flight Centre. The Dutch are one of the most passionate people for their country around, and this is the weekend they really let people know about it.

I was so keen to show it off to you guys, that I made a little video to prove it. Enjoy.....