News Culture

Finding the Future at New York Public Library

Interactive game at the New York Public Library allows participants to explore the underground shelves and collaboratively write a book.

Katie Calvin
April 05, 2011


On May 20, 2011, 500 people will explore the Stephen A. Schwarzman building of the New York Public Library (NYPL) from dusk 'til dawn in a new interactive game allowing players to become an author by sunrise.

Find the Future is an overnight adventure where participants have specific missions and objectives to complete through the secret underground stacks of the library, where over 40 miles of books are housed. By the end of the excursion the group will have collaboratively written an entire book that will be published and entered into the permanent collection of the NYPL.

Participants will observe over 100 objects of monumental significance to mankind and learn over 100 untold stories that are aimed to inspire creativity and encourage people to realize their dreams and goals for their own lives.

The entry form to become one of the first lucky few to begin the Find the Future quest asks individuals to imagine a vivid picture of their future and then create a goal to achieve by the year 2021. The most original and determined entries will be selected for the overnight stay.

Following the debut on the 20th, anyone can play the game during regular library hours at the NYPL, or online from anywhere in the world, to make history by finding their future.