
Giveaways /// Win a Case of Rochfort Rees Wine for your Office

And in this case (excuse the pun), we are able to provide you with the opportunity to hook your workmates up with a case of some quality New Zealand wine thanks to Rochfort Rees Wine Co.

Kyle Bell
June 05, 2012


The joys of talking to so many cool people is that cool brands also want to talk to you. And in this case (excuse the pun), we are able to provide you with the opportunity to hook your workmates up with a case of some quality New Zealand wine, thanks to Rochfort Rees Wine Co.

The mechanics are simple. Head over the Rochfort Rees Wine Co. Facebook page and tell them the name of your workplace and why we should deliver you and your crew a case of Rochfort Rees Sauvignon Blanc. From there, we will choose the lucky winner/s on Tuesday, June 19 2012 and arrange a drop off, right in time for Friday afternoon drinks.

If you aren't Facebook friendly, or a little shy, email with your reasoning (bribes accepted). Just make sure you are either subscribed to Concrete Playground or a Fan of Rochfort Rees Wine Co.

Ted enjoys it, so it must be good.