News Culture

Is America Growing Tired of Weiner Jokes?

American politics gets funny.

Joe McQuillen
June 15, 2011


To the dismay and disbelief of some (and to the giggles and chuckles of others), the recent Anthony Weiner sex scandal in American politics is producing some very interesting coverage.

For instance, today's New York Post headline has created plenty of controversy as it brazenly proclaims 'Obama Beats Weiner'. The headline relates to President Obama's comments about Weiner's resignation, and while many are growing tired of the constant double entendres others are enjoying watching how far the joke can be pushed. The House Majority Leader, John Boehner, made comments earlier today calling for Weiner's resignation. Potential suggestions from Twitter for tomorrow's headline include 'Boehner Hard On Weiner'.

While some suggest that this kind of childish joke-making is degrading American politics, it is hard not to laugh when you consider other recent political news. Fox Business host Eric Boilling yesterday remarked "What's with all the hoods in the hizzy?" after President Obama hosted rapper Common and Gabon President Ali Bongo at the White House recently. Boilling later apologised for "getting a little fast and loose with the language" but not for his comments about Obama "chugging 40s".

And of course who could forget Sarah Palin, who continues travel around the United States on her One Nation tour, obviously inspired by her Australian political counterpart Pauline Hanson's One Nation party. Let's just hope the entire presidential campaign continues to be this much fun.