News Culture

Want to Write for Concrete Playground Auckland?

Get your write on.
Auckland Editor
September 30, 2013


Auckland's culture guide seeks eager writerly types. Ideal applicant will bond with us over pricey gin, strong coffee and excellent words. Passion for good food, great art, local theatre and loud music is a plus. Casual commitment. No walks on the beach necessary.

Concrete Playground is an online weather vane pointing you to the cultural tornadoes that are just about to hit. The Auckland site is currently on the lookout for both food writers and arts writers — bonus points to those who can cover both.

Are you infamous to the baristas of Ponsonby? On first name basis with the receptionist at the Auckland Art Gallery? Maybe you have a personalised seat at Depot? Please, lend us your cultural genius. Your job will be filling us in on the latest cultural happenings and culinary openings through the means of event previews, reviews and features.

Writers will be paid per published article at set rates. To apply, please forward a short bio and some relevant writing samples to

Image: Joybot via photopin cc.