News Culture

What If Game of Thrones Happened in the 1990s?

Ever wondered what Game of Thrones would be like if the claimants of Westeros were fighting to sit atop a beanbag?

Matthew Watson
June 06, 2013


Before writing anything else, we first want to promise that this article is spoiler free. So if you haven't yet had your weekly dose of Game of Thrones then you can still read on safely.

Meanwhile, if you have watched Monday's harrowing episode, then you are probably in need of a pick-me-up. Whichever category you fall into, you will enjoy the following artworks from graphic designer Mike Wroebel, who this week provided us with a 20th-century reimagining of the epic HBO fantasy.

"I grew up with Fresh Prince, Saved by the Bell," Wroebel says in an interview with the Hollywood Reporter. "I just thought it would be funny ... to appropriate the characters and turn them into something quirky that reflected their personalities".

His contemporary appropriations are surprisingly uncanny, so if you are concerned about Joffrey suddenly becoming cool, then you need not worry. "I focused a lot on still making him look like a douchebag," says Wroebel. As you can see, he certainly succeeded.

Other characters are also perfectly represented. The broody nature of Jon Snow is captured in his adoption of grunge, Jaime Lannister oozes cool in a Miami Vice suit, Brienne keeps her armour as she takes to the football field, and Sansa Stark portrays Saved by the Bell's Kelly as if she was her double.

Our personal favourite, though, is Daenerys Targaryen. Of course there were no dragons in the 1990s, so obviously the Mother of Dragons becomes the Mother of Ferrets.

Khaleesi? More like Cooleesi. Check out the others below.

Via HuffPost Arts & Culture.