
Win a Free Pair of Customised Converse Hightops

Go on you stud, you know you want to.

Dani McAllen
April 29, 2013


How high-roller is this? We are offering one lucky reader the chance to win a free pair of Converse hightops to customise at the Converse Stud Bar at Pat Menzies Shoes. You can choose from black, navy or white. Simply enter in your details below to go in the draw.

And if you don't win, or even if you do win - get yourself down to Pat Menzies between now and the end of June and customise your very own pair of Converse hightops.

A pop-up in the iconic footwear store in Auckland's Canterbury Arcade, the nifty Converse Stud Bar is giving you the freedom to design your own studded sneakers. Buy a pair of fresh Converse and receive a packet of studs and coloured laces. Then head over to the stud bar and personalise your sneakers just the way you want them.