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Beyonce Just Got an Emoji Makeover

The visual album taken to its logical conclusion.

Meg Watson
March 05, 2014


This Vimeo user has just confirmed my long-held suspicion that Beyonce and I identify with the same emoji (red salsa lady, obviously). In bigger news, he created an entire emoji version of her recent hit from the visual album, Drunk in Love, and it is flawless.

Apart from reaffirming my spiritual connection with Queen Bey, this video does a few things. Firstly, it shows how ridiculous lyrics can be. It inverts the tradition of literal music videos and makes you question things. For instance, why is Beyonce touching so many babies, and did Jay-Z really just say "your breastases is my breakfast"? Really?

It could also be a game-changer for the music video market. Imagine how many millions could be saved if Kanye just texted his next video the producers? Sure, there's no motorcycle emoji yet, but 'Bound 2' could have just been a pouty pair of lips on a bicycle with a steam cloud coming out of it. It would have had roughly the same appeal as the original.

Of course this is a brave new world for the emoji. It's now used to create original artworks, re-enact famous literature, and it even has a seedy underbelly in the world of internet porn. But if it's to progress any further, it surely needs to add more multicultural offerings than the one Asian and one Indian face in a sea of dorky little white people. Case in point: this is the best they could do for Jay-Z.