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Matthew McConaughey Returns as Wooderson from ‘Dazed and Confused’

In a flashback for stoners and film fanatics, Matthew McConaughey has reclaimed his trademark role as Wooderson from the cult film Dazed and Confused.
Christopher Kevin Au
January 24, 2012


In a wonderful flashback for stoners and film fanatics, Matthew McConaughey has reclaimed his trademark role as Wooderson from the cult film Dazed and Confused.

In the music video for Butch Walker and the Black Widows' Synthesizers, McConaughey returns to the trademark Bob Marley shirt and pink pants that kickstarted his career and made the film one of the all-time greats.

Walker is a huge fan of the film and summarised McConaughey's role beautifully when he stated that "when it comes to classic characters, Matthew McConaughey's Wooderson took the cake… and the high school girls with him."

In the film clip, McConaughey's slow-motion strut and deep gaze are further evidence that he will forever be a definitive, if infinitely cheesy, ladies man.