News Film & TV

Submissions Are Open For Short Doco Platform Loading Docs

Serving to transform the way we make, tell and view documentary shorts in New Zealand.
Stephen Heard
November 10, 2015


Loading Docs is an outlet for local filmmakers to tell compelling stories and share them with the world. The only catch is that those aforementioned film buffs are only given 3 minutes in which to do so. The task is a test of creativity, skill and ingenuity, and serves to transform the way we make, tell and view documentary shorts in New Zealand.

The short documentary platform is now seeking proposals for the 2016 funding round. The theme for Loading Docs 2016 is ‘Change’, be it physical, internal, external, social, political, emotional, irreverent, or psychological.

Ten proposals will be given the thumbs up in the 2016 round, each receiving a cash injection of $2,000 plus additional funds, professional development, outreach and distribution strategies, plus colour grading and a sound-mix to polish them off.

Past submissions under the overarching themes Home (2014) and Connection (2015) have been selected for film festivals worldwide and featured on high profile sites including The Daily Mail, The Atlantic, and Film Shortage.

The deadline for submissions is November 21. See the Loading Docs website for more information.