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The Five Best Boutique Cinemas in Auckland

Here are the Concrete Playground Top Five picks for your next cinema visit:

Karina Abadia
June 05, 2012


I love going to the movies, always have, always will - and a great cinema completes this experience. What I consider most important is the quality of films (obviously), comfort, style, location and the general atmosphere. Nothing beats the intimacy offered by a good old fashioned boutique cinema either and lucky for us, Auckland has a number of them dotted around the region. So we thought we'd get out there, collate a list of our favourites and offer some tips for your next visit.

There's no better place to escape from winter than at one of the following boutique Auckland cinemas:


427 Manukau Road, Epsom

The Lido cinema is the whole package. Not only does it play a great range of arthouse films with the odd Hollywood flick thrown in, it also has a warm and welcoming atmosphere and lots of extras. Waiting for a friend to arrive? Why not grab a glass of wine, choose a book from the library and park yourself on one of the couches. If you're watching a film in the smaller ground floor cinema, you're in for a treat. The first row has padded recliner chairs - so good (don't tell your mates though, or we'll never be able to nab one again).

The other cinema seats are also very comfy and more spacious than your average. Another handy hint, the back row seats of the upstairs cinema come fitted out with a wine bottle holder. Sure it's on Manukau Road, which is not very central but it's close to Cornwall Park so really only a short car trip from the centre.



610 Dominion Road, Balmoral

If this was purely a style contest Capitol Cinema would win hands down. The predominent colour from the wallpaper to the seats to the ceiling is purple with gold and it creates a very vibrant and cosy little cinema. The chairs are very comfortable and while the movie choices here are limited by the fact it only houses one cinema, the selection is usually pretty good. Come for a drink beforehand and sit on one of the faux velvet couches. If you're not local to the area, this cinema can be a bit hard to find but look for the sign just near the Balmoral Road intersection. Well worth the trip.



48-56 Victoria Road, Devonport

Celebrating its centenery this year, it's little wonder this 'picture palace' is the oldest purpose-built cinema still in use in Australasia. Despite being a much loved Devonport landmark, in 2004 the developers came knocking and the three cinema theatre looked set to become yet another bland apartment block on the Auckland skyline. Locals fought the development and finally the North Shore City Council bought the cinema and live venue establishment and refurbished it in 2010.

The outside of the building was painted sparkling white, a point which upset many who loved the previous multi-coloured pastel fascade but really, if anything, I think this more subtle approach enhances the beauty of the art deco building. Inside pastel colours have been retained and fixtures such as a stained glass window on the second floor and a chandeleir in the downstairs cinema point to it's heritage. Going to this cinema definitely has a wonderfully nostalgic feel to it and with the ferry terminal just at the end of the street, there's no real excuse not to check it out.


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122 Queen Street, Northcote Point

The Bridgeway, located just over the harbour bridge in upmarket Northcote Point offers a range of arthouse and mainstream films in the three cinema establishment. In conjunction with larger venues it plays host to film festivals such as the World Cinema Showcase and the International Film Festival. It's also surprisingly close to the city centre but the plus of being in the suburbs means there's always plenty of parking on the streets nearby and it's proximity to the sea also adds to the relaxed feel of the place. Next door with woodfired gourmet pizzas is Sausalito Cafe, offering the perfect movie meal combo.



44 Lorne Street, CBD

The Academy's not really much to look at from the outside and doesn't have the stylish interior of other boutique cinemas but that doesn't stop this arthouse cinema attracting a kind of cult following to its underground location. It's proudly marketed as  "Auckland's only dedicated arthouse cinema." It's also one of the cinemas which hosts the International Film Festival as well as smaller film festivals and classic films. Being in the city centre makes this a convenient cinema to meet up with friends but obviously parking here is not as easy as it is in the suburban cinemas featured above. Nevertheless, it's great to have a centrally located decent arthouse cinema to provide an alternative to the flouro, chaotic multiplex monster up the road.


Think we have missed out on your favourite Cinema? Comment below with your thoughts.