Arts & Entertainment

Win Tickets to Sleeping With Other People

Exploring the non-bump-and-grind aspects of falling in love.
By Stephen Heard
November 23, 2015

While the title may lend itself to visions of R-rated antics beneath the sheets, Sleeping With Other People is an amusing, endearing look at the lives and loves of reunited college classmates.

Twelve years after losing their virginity to each other, Lainey (Alison Brie) and Jake (Jason Sudeikis) cross paths at a sex addiction group, with both harbouring intimacy and commitment issues that plague their dating encounters. Sparks fly, though given their respective romantic troubles, they agree they'd be better off remaining as pals. That decision starts to haunt them as they realise that their bond has all the hallmarks of a relationship, other than the slipping between the sheets part.

For the central duo, they're trying to flee from their past problems and approach romance with maturity for a change. For writer/director Leslye Headland, she's attempting to explore the non-bump-and-grind aspects of falling in love.

We have 5 double passes to giveaway to Sleeping With Other People.

To enter the draw, simply email with the subject line: 'Sleeping With Other People' along with your contact details.

T&Cs: Only one entry per person. You must be a Concrete Playground subscriber to win. R18 only. The winners will be chosen at 10:30am on November 26.