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Win Tickets to The Rocket

The Rocket punches well above its weight with a compelling narrative, heartfelt performances and stunning cinematography.

Karina Abadia
February 18, 2014


The Rocket punches well above its weight with a compelling narrative, heartfelt performances and stunning cinematography.  Set in rural Laos the protagonist Ahlo has a ready smile and an insatiable love of life but his grandmother harbours the suspicion that he was born under a curse. When the family's luck starts to run out, his father begins to wonder if there is truth in the superstition.

The turning point occurs when the family is forced to relocate to make way for a new hydro dam. A wedge is driven between Ahlo and his relatives who blame him for this as well as a tragedy which occurs within the family.

But Ahlo is determined to prove them wrong. He teams up with an adventurous young girl called Kia and her eccentric James Brown-obsessed uncle. While searching for a new home the two families end up in a city which is preparing for a dangerous rocket -building competition. Ahlo believes this is just the challenge he needs to set the family back on track.

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