News Culture

You Can Now Enrol in Hogwarts Thanks to a New MOOC

Listen up, muggles. Your letter has arrived.

Meg Watson
April 16, 2014


There are few things in this world more disappointing than turning 11 and not receiving your letter of acceptance to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. JK Rowling promised us more than that. There were supposed to be magic feasts, potions and robes we could splay out like bats. Learning the fact that this world was forever out of our reach was worse than our grief for Santa, the tooth fairy and the Easter Bunny combined. Now — though it may be several years too late — the creation of a new Massive Online Open Course (MOOC) promises a little restitution.

Hogwarts is Here operates in exactly the same way as online universities (meaning it's the closest thing to legit we're ever going to get). The course offers nine-week classes that reportedly allow you to "progress through all seven years of schooling and be assigned a professor, homework assignments, quizzes and more". HiH has all your basics covered: after setting up an account at Gringotts and getting your textbooks from a virtual Diagon Alley, you can study everything from Transfiguration, Charms and Herbology to the all-important Defence Against the Dark Arts. Assignments are graded and, according to this student at Slate, it's harder to get Hermoine-level grades than you might first think.

Of course, this isn't the first attempt to connect us to the wizarding world via virtual means. The official (read: copyright protected) Harry Potter online experience, Pottermore, has been around since 2009. However, with its primary focus on online roleplay, it's had mixed reviews. HiH allows users to stop with that fantasy crap and get down to some serious study. Sure, there are house dormitories and common rooms, but now that your childhood dreams have finally come true it's ultimately time to knuckle down and work. You owe it to your 11-year-old self.