Arts & Entertainment

Bjork Turns to Kickstarter to Spread Biophilia

The musician turns to crowdfunding to get her educational music app reprogrammed for Android and Windows 8.

By Hannah Ongley
January 30, 2013

Sure you can smell the dust on an old vinyl, but can you stare into it and zoom out like the planets but also zoom into the atoms and in that way aesthetically sympathise with sound and how sound moves and physics of sound and how notes in a room behave? And how they bounce off walls and between objects and its kind of more similar to how planets and microscopic things work?

Well you can if you have a) DMT or b) an Apple iOS device. Björk’s Biophilia album/multimedia project/educational program has been available for a few months now on iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch, but those operating on Android or Windows 8 platforms have been left out of this brave new digital world.

That's about to change if Björk has her way, with the musician turning to Kickstarter to make the app more accessible to kids in low-income households and schools with underfunded art budgets (ie reprogramming it for those who, to sound like a massive douche, can’t afford iPhones).

The app is being used as part of the Biophilia Educational Program, developed by Björk to teach children about making music and finding out about natural phenomena. Comprising an album, a series of apps housed in one mother app, a live show, and an educational program for children from all backgrounds, it's about exploring the areas where music, nature, and technology meet.

Ten in-app experiences are accessed as you fly through a three-dimensional galaxy, with all the album’s songs available for purchase as interactive experiences. At $13.99 on iTunes, it’s a truly phenomenal way to experience an album for around the same price as a physical CD.

The Kickstarter's funding goal is £375,000 and pledging ends on February 27. Those who pledge will receive rewards including the app itself, T-shirts picture discs, lithographic prints, and DVDs. Those who pledge £800 or more will get a VIP pass to Björk’s live Biophilia experience in San Francisco, Los Angeles, Tokyo, or Paris. Plus the reward of, you know, helping people.