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Daft Punk Album Rumours Prove To Be Just That

Chinese Whispers, eh? That sh*t will get ya. As it turns out, the rumours surrounding Daft Punk's album release are not true.

Fritha Hookway
March 22, 2012


Chinese Whispers, eh? That sh*t will get ya.

This week saw a flurry of excitement that Daft Punk have been working on and were set to release a new album in June. These rumours were picked up on from a comment made in the documentary Paul Williams: Still Alive that screened at this year's SXSW. Take a seat though, team; it has been confirmed there is no album coming in June.

Is this just semantics? Just because it's not coming in June doesn't mean it's not coming in July right? Or August? September? ..Guys? Anyone?

The French duo are still supposedly working on new material with Chic front man Nile Rogers and song writer Paul Williams. This, at least, holds a ray hope for those of us who are eternal optimists that there may be something to look forward to from the pair. However, at this point, it's anyone's guess as to when that might be.