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Jenny Lewis Drags Up with Famous Friends in New, Instantly Viral Video

Lewis celebrates the end of a six year solo hiatus with Kristen Stewart, Anne Hathway and an instantly viral video.

Hannah Valmadre
July 16, 2014


Jenny Lewis, former lead singer of indie rock group Rilo Kiley, is about to release her first solo album in six years, so why not come back with a bang (and a viral video)? Her social media freakout-inducing clip for first single, the Beck-produced 'One of The Guys' has a few of Hollywood's leading ladies taking the piss out of gender roles by tracksuiting up and acting like real tough dudes.

Unlikely accomplices Anne Hathaway, Kristen Stewart and Brie Larson casually make up Lewis's backing band, eventually winding up in drag, fly kicking, breakdancing and giving each other those perplexing man-hug-hand-shake things. Snaps to Lewis for fusing taking Taylor Swift-style famous friend collab cues.

There are so many high-fivable things going on here, it's hard to know where to start. Lewis's rainbow pantsuit, Hathaway's rat-tail and keytar, and Stewart actually looking like she's having fun for once in her life — all good places to start. Despite all this nonchalant splendour, Larson takes the cake. The Short Term 12 star is completely hysterical in this clip as a boy, and is probably the most convincing lip syncher of the band next to Lewis.

Despite the silliness, the single is actually quite a poignant note on being comfortable with yourself both in your womanhood and in your age. Just goes to show, dealing with heavy stuff doesn't mean taking yourself seriously all the time. 'Just One of the Guys' is the first single from Lewis' new record Voyager, which will be out by the end of the month.

Watch 'Just One of the Guys' right here:

Via Rolling Stone.