News Music

Music for the Concrete Playground

As winter approaches, distract yourself from the coming months of cold and rainy Auckland weather with some of the best tracks of the year so far.

Brad McIntyre
May 01, 2012


As winter approaches, distract yourself from the coming months of cold and rainy Auckland weather with some of the best tracks of the year so far.

Grimes - Genesis

Montreal's Claire Boucher, better known by her stage name Grimes, released her 3rd full length, Visions, earlier this year. One of the highlights is the beautiful Genesis. Dominated by Boucher's dreamy vocals and multiple synths, it’s a perfect Sunday afternoon track to lose yourself in while recovering from a big weekend.

Santigold - Disparate Youth

Santigold's much anticipated return has lived up to the hype with the outstanding Disparate Youth. Packed with 80s inspired keys, a mesmerising vocal and a heavy, driving bassline it’s a track worthy of multiple plays. The Two Bears remix is also well worth checking out.

Totally Enormous Extinct Dinosaurs - Tapes & Money

Orlando Higginbottom, a.k.a Totally Enormous Extinct Dinosaurs, is fast rising to the top of the electro-pop scene with a bevy of synth and keyboard driven dance floor fillers. Tapes and Money is no different and is the perfect soundtrack for a big night out in the concrete playground. Watch out for his debut album hitting your ears this winter.

Van She - Idea of Happiness

Following in the footsteps of The Presets, Sydneysiders Van She take their influence from the synth pop and funk of the 80s and combine with melodic vocals to produce an instantly likeable contemporary sound. Idea of Happiness is no different, I dare you not to sing a long.

Band of Skulls - Sweet Sour

You can't beat good old fashioned rock and Band of Skulls produce exactly that, albeit with a bit more melody and harmony than most. Sweet sour is dominated by a nice juxtaposition of distorted guitars and vocal harmonies and makes Band of Skulls one of the few contemporary rock bands worth listening to.

The Shins - Simple Song

2012 sees The Shins return with their 4th studio album, Port of Morrow. The first single is, as the lyrics suggest, 'just a simple song', but simplicity is often the formula for a great tune. Simple Song is a good old fashioned indie-rock singalong, and by all reports it set the main stage alight at Coachella.

m83 - Reunion (Mylo Remix)

m83's Hurry Up We're Dreaming was easily one of last year's best albums and spawned many critics choice for song of the year, Midnight City. Reunion is just as impressive and Mylo's remix is a knee slapping banger that should be a staple in every weekend playlist. Treat your ears and watch out for the Reunion EP dropping in May which will include a remix from New Zealand's own The Naked and Famous.

Lotus Plaza - Strangers

Lotus Plaza returned earlier this year with an album that will likely be in many critics top 10 list come December. Fans of Deerhunter will no doubt be familiar with guitarist Lockett Pundt's solo project and will be rejoicing at the release of his second album. And they have every reason too,  Spooky Action at a distance is packed with some stunning tracks and any number of them would be right at home on this list. I recommend the dreamy Strangers as a good starting point.

New Build - Do you not feel loved?

New Build is the side project of Hot Chip's Al Doyle and Felix Martin, and like Hot Chip, they know how to produce a great dance track. Do you not feel loved? is an uplifting gem of a track that builds to the type of crescendo that will spark an involuntary foot tapping that you'll be hard pressed to control. Get amongst.

Miniature Tigers - Female Doctor

Based out of Brooklyn, Miniature Tigers produce some effortless indie pop driven by some solid synth work, simple guitar riffs, and melancholic vocals. Female Doctor invokes feelings of lazy summer days spent at the beach and will help to bring a bit of that feeling to your Auckland winter.

Hot Chip - Night and Day

Hot Chip have produced some of the most essential electronic tunes of the past decade and one listen of their new single confirms they're still a force to be reckoned with. Night and Day is the perfect tune to wet your dance floor appetite and will keep Hot Chip fans satisfied until the new album drops in June.

Tanlines - All of Me

Tanlines released their debut album last month and All of Me is one of the definite highlights. It’s an accessible indie pop number that fans of Passion Pit, Cut Copy and Vampire Weekend will likely be drawn to. Check it.

Flux Pavilion feat Example - Daydreaming

Dubstep is a genre that easily divides people but Flux Pavilion has struck a nice balance with Daydreaming. It's a track that will no doubt have the kids singing along and for good reason, watch out for this one to receive a lot of airplay over the coming months.