News Music

Splendour in the Grass 2011 Sideshows Announced

If you missed out on tickets to Splendour in the Grass, never fear: the artists are coming to you.

Julian Larnach
May 19, 2011


Each year Splendour in the Grass ups the ante. Combining the best in international and local acts, the music festival caters for all music tastes making it as inclusive as it is entertaining. Set at the picturesque Woodfordia site in Queensland, carloads of people from across the east coast plough up the highway, arriving at their destination to camp for the better part of the week in isolated companionship.

But if you missed out on tickets never fear, Splendour sideshows have promised the best of the festival making its way to capital cities around Australia. Sporting some of the most illustrious names in today's music, the announcement of Sydney sideshows includes heroes of 90s Britpop Pulp, LA electo-pop lords Foster The People, post-dubstep poster boy James Blake, London indie kids The Vaccines, Swedish maestros The Hives and Bloc Party's Kele.

Keep an eye out for more annoucements but in the meantime tickets for these excellent show go on sale this Friday, May 27.