News Music

Spotify Music-Streaming Service to Arrive in Australia

Tap into a huge music library, containing millions of tracks, and share them easily with Spotify.

Anya Krenicki
March 22, 2012


Music-streaming service Spotify is set to launch in Australia this week, finally blessing Australians with its promise of "all the music, all the time".

It's about time, as Spotify has already become the music service of choice for over 10 million users in 13 countries. With an estimated 10,000 musical tracks added each day, Spotify is essentially a vast music library. It allows users to listen to any of its millions of tracks in real time (no irritating buffering required) on any desktop computer or mobile device, and to share those tracks effortlessly with friends.

Spotify is forward-thinking in its approach to online music streaming; instead of fighting the changing face of the music industry, it is embracing the fact that people are just not purchasing CDs in the volume that they used to. Thriving off of an audio advertising revenue model, Spotify identifies a demographic target audience based on users' musical tastes. This method has proven satisfactory to advertisers and record labels alike; the majority of US and UK record labels seem to be of the thought that some revenue is better than none.

The social aspect of Spotify sets it apart from other music services. It integrates into Facebook and Twitter alike, allowing users to create and share playlists. It's simple to see and hear what friends are listening to: just press 'play' on another user's playlist.

All you need to get started is a username and password, and to download the service to either Windows or Mac. The Spotify website currently offers Australians the option to sign up pre-launch. Enter your e-mail address and be one of the first in line to delve into this gigantic music library.