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Watch Radiohead ‘Live From The Basement’

The band premiered a broadcast of The King of Limbs 'Live From The Basement' on Spanish TV over the weekend. Watch it in full here.

Rich Fogarty
July 12, 2011


Radiohead do things a little differently to most bands. When they released In Rainbows in 2007 using a pay-what-you-think-is-fair approach to selling records, they engineered a recalibration of the music world as a whole and showed us that it wasn't the industry that was dying after all, just the traditional businesses and approaches within it.

Since then bands have created their own TV shows and asked fans to make their albums for them, technology companies have launched music services and broadcast entire music festivals live, and Radiohead has continued to produce some of the most consistently innovative work of them all.

The band premiered a broadcast of The King of Limbs 'Live From The Basement' on Spanish TV over the weekend, and it has now surfaced online. Whilst no Australian air date has been announced, you can watch the entire performance here, including new tracks 'The Daily Mail' and 'Staircase'.