• News

    The Mona Lisa Recreated with a Single Line

    It's incredible the things an ordinary person can do if they just have the appropriate felt-tip pen.

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    U-Boat Worx Offers Submarine Charters for Tourists

    These 'personal submarines for yacht and tourism' are for those people who are desirous of exploring the depths of the ocean but who suffer the misfortune of not being Richard Branson.

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    A Portable Hanging Herb Garden for Inner-City Dwellers

    The dream of any inner-city or spatially-challenged dweller with a green thumb, finely tuned tastebuds and no backyard.

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    Hipstamatic’s Digital Disposable Camera for your iPhone

    In a bid to regain their popularity and get one up on Instagram, Hipstamatic is offering a new dimension to their faux-analogue photography experience.

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    Designs That Let You Sleep Anywhere, Anytime

    Our society seems to be developing an obsession for sleeping in places that are not our beds.

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    Slavery Footprint: Calculating How Many Forced Labourers Work For You

    Cue the bright-eyed, pigtailed offspring of ethical consumerism and social media, Slavery Footprint.

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