It's always the way that on the one day you've got one bar of battery left, you forget your phone charger. A Universal Phone Charger is a clunky solution to such a problem, but here's something more elegant: a mobile which can recharge from ambient heat, even when it's sitting in your pocket! It's a clever concept from London-based designer Patrick Hyland. The Nokia E-Cu (E for environment, Cu for copper) creates a current from the smallest of energy sources like the heat from your pocket. The outer copper casing receives thermal energy and transforms it into battery power. It's still in concept-stage, with no plans from Nokia to develop it yet, but Hyland is keen to collaborate with anybody to get it off the ground. Hyland aims to create a charger-free cell phone future, noting that "annually, unwanted phone chargers produce 51,000 tons of waste in addition to the greenhouse gases created by the production of the electricity needed to charge them." [Via Good]