'Despresso' is, according to Urban Dictionary, the term used to describe 'when a person is desperate and depressed about something, usually after being dumped.' But it is also the name of a new Manhattan cafe where the floor and ceiling are lined with books and the lighting comes from the walls, creating a sideways effect. Technically, they're designer tiles printed with books but the effect makes the new drinking hole look like a scene from Alice in Wonderland. The cafe was designed by Nema Workshop, a group of architects, designers and space conceptualists who are famous for non linear architectural approaches. Their head honcho, Anurag Nema, was inspired by the nearby New York Public Library's Bryant Park branch and the idea of turning a coffee shop that looks like a library literally on its side. According to the owner, the next coffee shop in a series of stores will be designed completely upside down. Seems like as good a place as any to kick the blues. [Via Coolhunter]