• News

    Virtual Christchurch Cafe Raises Money for Earthquake Victims

    This philanthropic website seeks to aid New Zealand's earthquake victims with profits from virtual coffee products.

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    Flying House from ‘Up’ Recreated in California

    As part of a new National Geographic television series, a team of scientists, engineers and balloon pilots recreated the scene from the hit flick.

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    Eco-Friendly Alternative to Plastic USBs

    Each Flashkus is created from thin strips of recyclable cardboard, allowing for easy disk-labeling and the potential to recycle the body of the disk once you're done.

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    Instagram and Stickygram Print Your iPhone Photography

    iPhone photography apps like Instagram and Hipstamatic recreate a Polaroid-feel in our piccies.

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    The new look Concrete Playground

    We've nipped, tucked and delivered Concrete Playground to you in a shiny new package, re-imagining everything from the ground up.

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    Art Installation Maps the Beauty of WiFi

    Immaterials acts as a reminder of what drives our society, what facilitates our social flings, and shows us the fragility of the foundation of our daily lives.

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    Thought Control Car Becomes a Reality

    The technology of gaming and all your Back To The Future fantasies come together in the car driven by the power of your mind.

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    Artsicle: An Original Artwork Rental Scheme

    A new scheme running in New York let's you road test your art before you make a lifetime's commitment to it.

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    Lenovo Creates First Ever Eye-Controlled Computer

    Blinking or being distracted by someone across the room could potentially lead to your documents closing unsaved, now that your eyes can control your computer.

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    Kite-Powered Car Drives Across Australia

    A unique take on raising environmental awareness involves a kite and a pair of German 'extreme sportsmen.'

  • News

    Breakup Notifier Normalises Your Facebook Stalking

    The highly controversial new Facebook app is the one most likely to get you laid by someone on the rebound.

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