Sometimes, getting out of your car to purchase food is just too much effort. For those occasions, humanity invented the drive-thru. It's a fast food staple, and the concept has been getting quite the workout during the pandemic — so obviously a drive-thru dedicated to lasagne and wine was bound to happen. The Lasagne Drive-Thru is the latest venture from Jerome Dalton, owner of Dalton Catering and — since last July – of CJ's Pasta as well. The latter no longer operates as a bricks-and-mortar business, instead focusing on selling pasta to restaurants and wholesalers. But for folks at home who love a bit of layered pasta with bechamel sauce, CJ's Pasta is now letting you roll up to Fortitude Valley's Prospect Street in your car each Friday, remain seated, and take home one of four different lasagnes and multiple varieties of wine. The idea first came about in response to Brisbane's most recent lockdown at the end of March, with the Lasagne Drive-Thru kicking into action while everyone was staying at home for three days. Unsurprisingly, it proved popular, so Dalton is bringing it back every Friday from now on. Brisbanites can choose from beef lasagne in 1.2-kilogram and three-kilogram servings, a three-kilogram sand crab lasagne and a three-kilogram vegetarian lasagne, all of which come with a cheesy garlic focaccia. The small-sized beef costs $50 and serves two or three people, while the larger size costs $100 for beef and vegetarian and $120 for crab, and will keep six stomachs satisfied. Salumi boxes filled with mortadella, salami, bread and pickles are also available ($50, to serve two or three people). On the wine front, prices range from $39–80, with prosecco, champagne, pinot grigio and chianti among the varieties on offer. If you're keen come Friday, you'll need to order in advance via phone, then motor on over to pick up your ready-to-eat meal and vino. You can still try your luck on the day without preordering, but you'll be getting a chilled lasagne that you'll need to heat up at home. Find the CJ's Pasta Lasagne Drive-Thru at 22 Prospect Street, Fortitude Valley every Friday from 1–6pm — or until sold out.