In case you were lacking in things to furiously rant about at the pub later, let's fill you in on the newest, stupidest, frankly concerning health fad skulking into reality. Are you ready? It's called Fat Water. Yep, fat-infused water. Created by founder of Bulletproof Coffee (yep, the coffee that uses butter instead of milk) Dave Asprey, Fat Water isn't just adding a scoop o' lard to your Mount Franklin. According to Grub Street, Asprey is assuring us all that the bottles function instead as an energy booster without a sugar crash, mixing two grams of coconut oil (which is apparently about a tenth of your daily saturated fat) with regular water. So, you guessed it, it's basically oily water. Taste testers likened it to liquid soap. So how the heck is this healthy? Apparently the coconut oil enhances what's known as thermogenesis — a big ol' scientific word for the process of burning fat. The water apparently burns energy and also has an appetite-suppression effect, which quite honestly rings a few warning bells. Sounds like your one-way ticket to intensifying an eating disorder, frankly. Whether or not Fat Water takes off remains to be seen — but with the cheeky $9 million Silicon Valley bandwagon-jumpers poured into Bulletproof Coffee, and the desperate measures people will take to get some form of unattainable 'bikini body', this could be a scarily popular item. Fat Water is now available in the US only, exclusive to Dave Asprey's Bulletproof cafes and a few LA health stores. And stay there. Via Grub Street.