At the beginning of July, when Greater Sydney's lockdown had been hanging around for a few weeks, Taronga Zoo did everyone a solid by releasing videos of its latest wombat joey. Even if you weren't under stay-at-home conditions then — because you don't live in the area — the footage was heartwarmingly cute. Thankfully, the zoo has more where that came from. This time around, you can take a peek at another baby animal: a koala joey named Humphrey. He's just over 12 months old, he's only been out of his mother Willow's pouch since he was around six months old — because that's what koala's do — and yes, he's as endearing as you'd expect. He's just as fluffy as well. In the video, which was captured by one of Taronga's koala keepers, Humphrey is keen to climb, eat and cuddle. His little eyes light up with curiosity as he scurries about, too. When he entered the world in 2020, Humphrey was the first koala joey born at Taronga Zoo in over a year — so he's obviously been able to garner plenty of attention. That's enough words about this loveable little critter, because we all know that you're here to get a glimpse. Check out Taronga Zoo's footage below: [video width="1920" height="1080" mp4=""][/video] Taronga has also been spoiling animal lovers with cuteness via its online television station, which was initially established by in 2020, and it is back now for obvious reasons. It's also releasing regular videos across its Facebook, Instagram and YouTube channels, and making keeper talks and other clips available online as well. Taronga Zoo is currently closed during Sydney's lockdown, but you can check out more videos of its cute animals via its online Taronga TV channel.