Budding athletes who think the likes of Ninja Warrior looks easy will soon be able to put their strength and endurance to the test. From 16–17 April, Mount Maunganui's main beach will welcome New Zealand's very own obstacle race series, Ultimate Athlete. The first of the endurance events will see everyone from kids to pro athletes run, climb, swing and crawl their way through a course that navigates sand, grass, rocks and tarmac. The course has been designed to push endurance and strength to the absolute limit over two distances. The ten-kilometre 'Ultimate Beast' course features 25 obstacles and the shorter six-kilometre slog comes with 20 unique challenges. Each race begins with a soft-sand start before making the three-kilometre loop around Mount Maunganui's base track. Then, participants are required to head up the Mount Drury summit carrying a sandbag. Multiple obstacles await back on the sand. Participants will be challenged to crawl through tunnels, tackle an A-frame cargo net, launch themselves over an eight-foot wall and play a game of quoits. The event has been designed to challenge athletes from runners to hardcore Crossfitters and gym heads. Winners of the ten-kilometre course will qualify to win a cash prize. Ultimate Athlete was launched by Gavin Foster and Jocelin August, alongside Bay Dreams organisers Toby Burrows and Mitch Lowe. It will raise funds for mental health charities, including One Wave, I am Hope and Bring People Dancing. Ultimate Athlete is set to take place at Mount Maunganui from 16–17 April, 2021. For more information, visit ultimateathlete.co.nz.