Do you fantasise about taking a pup to the pub with you but rent a place that doesn't allow pets? Are you always looking at cute guide dogs in training and wishing you had the means to take one home? Well, even if you can't commit to training and looking after a pup for 14 months, you can still help. Guide Dogs NSW/ACT are currently looking for people to sponsor its little balls of fluffs as they work their way up to become big boy guide dogs. The cuties currently up for sponsorship (pictured above) are siblings Luna, Star and Rocket. Instead of offering your services for daily walks, toilet training and giving endless tummy rubs, your support will come in the form of cash. The minimum monthly donation is $30, which will go towards training, equipment, maintenance of our kennel facilities, vet costs for the guide dogs in training. Each guide dog costs $35,000 to raise and train. Every day, 28 people in Australia get diagnosed with vision impairment, nine of whom can expect to go blind. Keen? You can sign up here — after you do, you'll receive a welcome pack and regular updates on how your pup is doing. Send pics please.