It's the absolute last thing Melbourne needs right now, but just after 9am this morning, Wednesday, September 22, the city was hit by what's reported to be an earthquake. Yep — we're out here deep into Lockdown 6.0, having clocked up over 200 days of stay-at-home orders, and the universe goes and dials up the drama with the literal shifting of tectonic plates. Just who exactly Melbourne pissed off so badly, is yet to be revealed. The experts over at the Seismology Centre shared details of the quake on Twitter, confirming a magnitude 5.3 earthquake hit Gippsland and was felt right across Melbourne, a good 100 kilometres away. The earth shakes lasted about 20 seconds, which proved pretty exciting stuff for this particular writer who hadn't even had their morning coffee yet. The preliminary magnitude 5.3 estimation is yet to be officially confirmed and may be revised. As you can imagine, Twitter fired up instantly following the quake, as people rushed to swap notes on Melbourne's 843576th bad news event of the year. There'll be more information to come as the experts recover from this sneak environmental attack. But in the meantime, here are some winning reactions from the Twitterverse. We'll bring you more information as details unfold on the earthquake event from this morning. Sounds like Melbourne's going to be in need of a good construction industry — Josh Withers (@JoshuaWithers) September 21, 2021 im pretty sure an earthquake is the sixth seal opened during the apocalypse. good news melbourne, just one to go! — Jim Malo (@thejimmalo) September 21, 2021 Statewide earthquake in Vic, 5.6. Whoever is writing this script of the impending apocalypse is getting ridiculously heavy-handed, I mean just fucking introduce a fun love interest or something and give us a break — Marieke Hardy (@mariekehardy) September 21, 2021 — fungbunger (@parsfarce) September 21, 2021 At what point do we accept that God hates Melbourne? — James Colley (@JamColley) September 21, 2021 FACT: Melbourne are 0-1 in VFL/AFL Grand Finals that immediately followed magnitude 6.0+ earthquakes in Victoria — Michael (@HiReception) September 22, 2021