If you live in 11 Local Government Areas in southeast Queensland — in the Brisbane City Council, Logan, Moreton Bay, Ipswich, Redlands, Sunshine Coast, Gold Coast, Noosa, Somerset, Lockyer Valley and Scenic Rim LGAs, to be exact — then it has been some time since you've been able to flash your smile at people outside of your own home. Since the end of June, in an effort to stop the region's recent COVID-19 cases from spreading, wearing masks has been compulsory across the region. And, with these areas in lockdown until at least 4pm on Sunday, August 8, that mask mandate will remain in place until then. This is familiar news, because the State Government has extended the mask requirement for these 11 LGAs not just once but multiple times now. That last extension was due to end at 6am on Friday, August 6; however, masks remain compulsory under lockdown conditions, so they're not going anywhere while stay-at-home rules are still active. If you need a refresher, the mask rules apply whenever you're spending time indoors somewhere other than your own home — and outdoors as well, which is a change from the mask mandate that was in place before lockdown. In all of these situations, you must wear a mask. Accordingly, you also always need to be carrying a mask with you. They must be worn at all times when you're not in your own house, unless five specific conditions apply. So, you don't have to mask up if you are alone in your car or with members of your household, if you're eating or drinking, and if you're at your usual workplace and can socially distance from others — unless you work in a hospitality venue or in transporting passengers, where you'll have to keep masking up regardless. You also don't have to cover your face if you are alone outdoors or with folks you live with, or if it is unsafe to do so. https://twitter.com/AnnastaciaMP/status/1421984774277656576 Obviously, these rules cover — but aren't limited to — all indoor spaces other than your house, all indoor workplaces unless it is unsafe to do so, public transport, and in taxis and ride share vehicles. And, under lockdown, you can still only leave your home for four reasons: to get essential goods — for example, groceries and medications — but only within ten kilometres of your house; for essential work if you can't work from home, and for school or childcare; for exercise within ten kilometres of home, and only with one person who isn't in your household; and for healthcare, including to get a COVID-19 vaccination, or to provide help, care or support. Queensland currently has 66 active COVID-19 cases, with 13 locally acquired cases reported in the past 24 hours. As always, the usual requests regarding social distancing, hygiene and getting tested if you're feeling even the slightest possible COVID-19 symptoms also still apply — as they have since March last year. For more information about the status of COVID-19 in Queensland, head to the QLD COVID-19 hub and the Queensland Health website.