1. Introduction
2. Reception
3. Consideration
4. Mediation
1. Introduction
Concrete Playground upholds high standards of practice, which are outlined in our Editorial Policy. If you feel that we have breached this policy in any of our published material, you are invited to make a formal complaint.
We take our readers' complaints and concerns very seriously, and aim to rectify any inaccuracies and resolve any complaints as quickly as we can.
2. Reception
All complaints can be directed to Concrete Playground's editor via [email protected]. The editor will reply to any complaint within four business days.
Complaints must include a link to the published material that the complainant believes is in breach of Concrete Playground's Editorial Policy. It must be made within 30 days of the original article being published.
Other feedback
If you've noticed a spelling, grammatical or technical error, or you've found a broken link, please fill out our feedback form.
If you've found out-of-date information about a local business (including your own), please contact our editors via the feedback form.
3. Consideration
The editor will assess the complaint in accordance with Concrete Playground's Editorial Policy.
If it is found to not breach our standards of practice, the editor will issue a formal explanation to the complainant.
If the material has breached our standards of practice, the editor may issue:
- a formal apology to the complainant,
- a correction or amendment (including a right of reply or clarification) to the original post,
- a commitment to further staff training, and/or
- a revision of Concrete Playground's Editorial Policy.
The editor will try to reach an outcome that is accepted by both parties. If a complainant is not satisfied with the action taken by the editor, they will be given the opportunity to appeal the decision via an independent mediator.
4. Mediation
If Concrete Playground cannot settle a complaint through its internal processes, the complainant will be referred to an independent third party mediator. This mediator will be contracted at the expense of Concrete Playground.