Design & Style

A New Design Has Been Released for Auckland Harbour's Pedestrian Bridge

The pedestrian SkyPath linking central Auckland with the North Shore has been in the works for over a decade
By Stephen Heard
May 22, 2019

The NZ Transport Agency has shared details from its detailed business case for a walking and cycling connection over the Auckland Harbour Bridge.

The pedestrian SkyPath linking central Auckland with the North Shore has been in the works for over a decade, with the Government confirming last year that it will fully fund the project to the tune of $67 million. The investment to progress the SkyPath is part of a larger $390 million walking and cycling investment package — the single largest investment ever in walking and cycling infrastructure for New Zealand.

The NZ Transport Agency's business case started in 2018 to determine the design and timeline for construction and to meet the Government's priority to create more active transport choices for Aucklanders and deliver critical missing links in the urban cycle network.

A new design for the SkyPath has now been unveiled. The preferred option for the path is a five-metre-wide walkway, built on separate piers, attached to the south side of the bridge directly linking Westhaven to Northcote Point and connecting with the future SeaPath route. The five-metre width allows for separation between walkers and cyclists, and includes three viewing galleries to pause and soak up the view.

The path will have clear daytime and nighttime modes. The daytime mode creates a strong sculptural symbol for cycling across the bridge while the night mode will use architectural lighting to shine an even greater spotlight on the iconic gangplank.

The SkyPath is being championed by the Auckland Harbour Bridge Pathway Trust, a charitable trust whose aim is to have a world class walking and cycling facility across Auckland Harbour. It has been estimated that between 10,000 to 12,000 people will use the crossing during peak hours.

The project is expected to be completed by 2021.