Design & Style

Lineup of Speakers Announced for Semi Permanent 2014

The event is surrounded with exhibitions, workshops, parties and a festival style conference.

By Stephen Heard
March 04, 2014

Semi Permanent, the annual gathering of the world’s creative forces will celebrate 10 years this May with an eclectic selection of guests and artists attending from every corner of the globe.

The event is surrounded with exhibitions, workshops, parties and a festival style conference giving attendees the opportunity gain insight into the creative world and aide in frequent inspirational brain explosions.

Among the speaker line up for 2014 are British visual effects company Framestore who most recently added an Oscar for Best VFX to their trophy cabinet, the French design partnership of Mathias Augustyniak and Michael Amzalag (M/M Paris) who have worked with big wigs including Björk, Madonna, Kanye West, Calvin Klein and Vogue Paris, New York-based Electronic Time lecturer Golan Levin and New Zealand film-maker Niki Caro - renowned for directing feature films Whale Rider, North Country, And The Vintner's Luck. And that’s only scratching the surface. You'll find much more at the Semi-Permanent website.

Semi Permanent hits Auckland's Aotea Centre from May 2-3, 2014.