News Design & Style

Listen to Music Safely While Bike Riding or Running

There is no longer a need to sacrifice your music for safety's sake while biking or jogging.

Anya Krenicki
April 11, 2012


Awareness of one's surroundings is paramount while bike riding or jogging. With Chilli Technology's new headphones, you can maintain this awareness while simultaneously listening to music.

Conventional headphones project sound directly into the ear by creating air pressure waves, but these "bone conduction" headphones use the cheekbone to transfer auditory signals to the ear. Thus, the ear is left uncovered and susceptible to passing sound. Even amidst traffic, music is still audible.

The controls, which contain a volume button as well as an of-and-off button, can be clipped onto clothes. The speakers may be placed over the ears when not riding or running, although the original design does allow for ear comfort and less impact on ear drums. You no longer have to sacrifice your music for safety's sake.

[via PSFK]