News Fashion

Burberry’s Holographic Models Take to the Runway in Beijing

Burberry used holograms of models in their technology-inspired runway show in Beijing.

Katie Calvin
April 20, 2011


Burberry sponsored a runway show at the Beijing Television Center this week to promote the opening of a new flagship store in Beijing and the introduction of digital technology to all of the company's stores throughout China. Burberry pulled off a classy and luxurious showcase as always, but this was no ordinary catwalk.

The designer clothing line ditched the human models this time and traded them in for a more tech-savvy lineup: life-size holograms of models adorned in beautiful Burberry garb. Technology aided the fashion frenzy as the show went through the four seasons; at one point the models even burst into snowflakes. The holograms paraded down the British-inspired runway in front of an audience of celebs and top models to live music from Keane, who were making their debut appearance in China.

Burberry's holographic beauties may not be tangible, but at least they are sure to avoid tripping over their heels and tumbling off stage.