News Fashion

D.I.Y. Paper Watches

SUCK UK's paper watch enables consumers to take matters into their own hands and design an accessory that is uniquely theirs.

Jasmine Crittenden
May 13, 2013


Look out designers: this one might put you out of a job. In a world where fashion is becoming more fickle by the second, SUCK UK's paper watch enables consumers to take matters into their own hands and design an accessory that is uniquely theirs. In its flexibility and scope for personal expression, the paper watch may well prove to be the ultimate fashion (or anti-fashion) statement.

For $14.95, SUCK provides the digital component, a long-life battery and the 'canvas' - an adjustable wristband comprised of tough, tear-resistant, paper-like material. All the 'artist' needs is a set of writing implements and a vision. According to SUCK, the surface accepts paints, pencils, biros, markers - pretty much any kind of ink or graphite necessary to the realisation of any artistic idea. Of course, sticking with plain, simple white is also a viable option.

It's possible to create a 'do-it-yourself' design to match every outfit, occasion or mood, or transform the watch into a personalised gift for a friend. SUCK has even alluded to its potential as a wedding or party invitation.

Keen artists can submit their designs to the SUCK website. The best are being published in an online album.

[Via PSFK]