News Sustainability

Brew Beer On-The-Go

Brew your own beer whenever and wherever you so desire with these tasty, transportable sachets.

Sean Robertson
October 02, 2012


Whether it's after a hard day at the office, a hard morning of exercise or a hard evening of heavy drinking, there are few sweeter reliefs than an ice cold beer. And thanks to Pat's Backcountry Beverages, you can brew your own beer whenever and wherever you so desire with these tasty, transportable sachets.

Simply pour the packet of beer concentrate in a special carbonation bottle, add water and shake, and you have yourself the world's most convenient six-pack.

Perfect for campers and hikers, the Alaskan company assures its customers that they haven't sacrificed transportability for taste, claiming that the sachets will give you the "same great taste you're used to in a premium micro beer".

To find out more have a look at this demonstration video and get brewing.