News Culture

Drinking Pays for Public Transport with the Beer Turnstile

Don't drink and drive; drink and catch the train

Matthew Watson
May 19, 2013


Brazilian beer company Antarctica Beer has created one of the most innovative products to ever come out of a brewery, the Beer Turnstile. Created for the Rio de Janeiro Carnival, one of the world's biggest parties, of which Antarctica Beer is the official sponsor, it was designed to inspire partygoers to catch public transport to and from the festival.

When they arrived at the subway station to head home, they did not have to buy a ticket; all the drinkers had to do was pop their empty beer can into the turnstile and, once it was recognised by the reader in the machine, they gained access to their ride home.

Whilst the turnstile was an excellent business move — if people do not have to drive they can of course drink more Antarctica Beer throughout the evening — it likely contributed to the 43 percent decrease in drink driving recorded at this year's event and lowered the impact of the festival on the environment, as every can submitted was recycled and the turnstile averaged more than 1000 patrons an hour. It also created less mess for the city to clean, music to the ears of some happy Brazilian workers.