News Technology

Intel’s Facebook Museum Of Me

If you haven't tried it already, Intel's Museum of Me is definitely a bit of fun. It does a pretty cool job of collecting info and doling it out in a fun way.
Fritha Hookway
January 31, 2012


Ah, sweet self indulgence at its best. I swear, ever since Facebook became a daily fixture in most of our lives, the number of self shots circulating the web (gawd forbid the mirror ones) has absolutely sky rocketed. So really, it was only a matter of time before someone decided that creating an online museum that journeys through your life would get absolutely lapped up. Narcissism-esque and all.

The Museum of Me website calls it a "visual archive of your social life". By allowing data to stream from your Facebook to their site, it creates a virtual tour of all of your profile pictures, personal photos, videos and check ins. Basically anything you have posted to your wall is dredged up and included in your very own exhbition. Just another eery reminder that once you post something to Facebook, it's going to get locked away in Zuckerburg's records, probably forever.

Intel's application is not publicly shared though, so although it does seem a little digi-creepy, it really is only accessing information you've already pushed out via your page.

If you haven't tried it already, Intel's Museum of Me is definitely a bit of fun. It does a pretty cool job of collecting info and doling it out in a fun way. And, like I said, if you've ever been guilty of the old selfy upload (yes you, don't lie) it's pretty guaranteed you'll enjoy an whole exhibition dedicated to yours truly.