News Technology

Movie Plots You Control By The Power Of Your Thoughts

Fritha Hookway
February 23, 2012


Remember those choose your own ending books when you were a kid? The ones where you got to the end of a chapter and were given an option? Turn to pg. 43 if you want to stick with your friends and climb the pyramid, or go to pg. 19 to leave them behind and explore the haunted passage beneath the Pharaoh's tomb. Boy. Talk about creative control.

It's time to revisit this nostalgia of our youth. Except this time it's in movie form through the use of a headset that controls the film's outcome.. by reading your brain waves.


I know. The mind boggles.

UK company, MyndPlay, has developed a specialised headset that lets movie viewers determine the outcome of a film based on the power of their thoughts. The technology has been billed as "the world's first mind-controlled media player and platform". Teaming up with their partner company, NeuroSky, MyndPlay have adapted an EEG headset that measures the wearer's brainwave signals and monitor relaxation and attention levels. This data then controls the technology.

Of course, the movies need to be specifically crafted for this software, and as expected because it is new, it is currently quite limited. So, apologies to the would-be heroes out there, you're not going to be saving the Titanic from ploughing into the iceberg just yet.

One of the titles that is being used with this technology is a thriller called Paranormal Mynd: Exorcism. This film has three alternate endings and plot lines that can change depending on the viewer's emotions. I bet you, in 50 years we'll be saying to our grand kids "in MY day, movies only had three endings!" Crazy.

Already in the pipelines is the soon to be launched MyndPlay Pro. This lets users create their own interactive content and share it with their online social networks. Mutli-player online games are also being developed based on this mood reading technology.

It's official, we don't even own our thoughts anymore. Gah. Let's just give up and go watch movies.