News Technology

See More of the World with New Improved Google Street View

New and improved Google Street View transports you to locations on all continents, with stunning 360 degree panoramas and enhanced interactivity.

Amelia Walkley
March 16, 2011


Google's innovation in geo-location tools and imaging has significantly changed how we view and interact with our world. What with Street Art View, allowing users to tag their favourite street art; People Finders connecting friends and loved ones in times of disaster; and artists capturing incredible images from Google Earth, Google blurs physical existence with digital presence to connect us in amazing ways.

Whether you want to check out a destination before hitting the road or travel to the other side of the globe without leaving your seat, Google Street View can take you there. With the launch of an all new look and enhanced interactivity, real-world navigation from your net browser has never been so awesome.

When you load up Google Maps, areas outlined in blue highlight where Google Street View is available. Google's loveable stick-figure Pegman will light up yellow too. Drag him onto your desired location to view the 'hood, and click on the arrows on the ground to take a little stroll.

Back in 2007 at Street View's inception, only select major cities had the feature. Since then, teams of photographers have worked tirelessly to compile incredible images from around the world. Stitched together, the images form 360 degree panoramas which afford gorgeous glimpses of far away places - so good it feels like you're really there.

[Via Mashable]