News Culture

Socks Infused with Coffee Cure Smelly Feet

For feet so sweet you can wear the same pair of socks for days.

Jasmine Crittenden
August 21, 2013


What type of coffee aroma would characterise the feet of your ideal partner? Arabica or Robusta? Single origin or a blend? The Ministry of Supply's new ATLAS socks promise to replace the smell of sticky, sweaty feet with the more alluring scent of roasted beans.

They've been made possible by a wildly successful Kickstarter campaign, which raised a whopping US$200,000, not only through their novel appeal but also through a reward of two pairs of socks for every $28 pledged.

The Ministry of Supply team developed the technology through a deep and prolonged study of the human foot. First, they figured out which areas are most liable to the reception of pressure, and therefore to the production of sweat and heat. Then they designed an accordingly padded and ventilated sock, using wicking to maximise aeration potential.

The coffee, collected from various cafes and eateries, is infused into the material. Its job is to draw in and capture the nasty molecules that create antisocial smells. Voila, feet so sweet you can leave your socks on for a week. Well, that's the story according to Forbes writer Natalie Robehmed, who claims she wore a pair for five days straight without frightening anyone away.

[via Springwise]

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