News Technology

This Contraption Tweets Every Time You Take a Bite of Food

From the makers of the iPad strapped to someones head.

Stephen Heard
December 02, 2014


Are you one of those people that loves to tell others about every single detail of your life via status updates? Well, life just got even better. Now you can let all of your beloved followers know just what and when you’re eating, without even having to put your greasy mitts on the keyboard.

The company known as Stupid Hackathon - whose brilliant slogan is Stupid Shit No One Needs & Terrible Ideas - have changed the tweet game by inventing a device that sends a message to a computer every time you take a bite of food. Generated by Denny George and Matthew Kaney, Tweet Your Food comes in the form of an obnoxious sensor that is actually plugged into your food. It then lets the food you're eating do the work and send an enthusiastic tweet.

Stupid Hackathon’s other inventions include a telepresence robot (aka a face on an iPad strapped to someones head), a virtual reality application that shows you what's behind you and an interactive tool that teaches the user to say the word "Mitt Romney" in a variety of languages.

It’s official, we’re living in the future folks.