News Technology

This New Terminator 2-Inspired 3D Printer Pulls Objects Out of Goo

T-1000 style printing.
Shannon Connellan
March 23, 2015


We thought we'd ceased to be wowed by 3D printing. Then this newbie shows up. A brand new printer introduced at the 2015 TED conference in Vancouver, Carbon3D takes 3D printing to the next level — pulling a brand new object out of a pool of goo. If you're thinking it sounds like something out of Terminator 2, Carbon3D CEO and co-founder Joseph DeSimone and his team were were indeed inspired by the straight-up terrifying T2 T-1000 robot. Oh god.

Pulling printed items from photosensitive resin, Carbon3D doesn't use the regular, snail-like layering technique we've seen in 3D printers up until now. Instead, the Carbon3D uses light and oxygen to 'print' from resin. The printer shines a light on the resin, causing it to harden, while oxygen causes the resin to liquefy and become malleable to the printer's design. Apparently the printer makes objects up to 100 times faster than your regular 3D printer, with no frayed edges, no rough surfaces, only smooth 3D printed swag.

Watch the video here:

Yep, the creepy, creepy '90s-predicted future is nigh.

Via Quartz.

Image: Carbon3D.