Food & Drink

True Love is Just a Greasy Swipe Right Away Thanks to This Bacon Dating App

Another arbitrary dating app hits the market.
By Francois Finlay
September 17, 2015

Escaping the glorious freedom of singledom into voluntary captivity can be a challenge. It requires a tedious day-in day-out commitment of Vonnegutian dating tactics: wearing nice clothes and smiling all the time. Tedious. It also requires a lot of compromise between you and that person you thought was quite an attractive and intriguing specimen, because they're an individual and you're an individual and you've been raised differently and have different ways of seeing the world and so on.

And there are things that you can compromise on: toilet roll orientation, fork placement inside the dishwasher basket, who gets to shower first. And then there are things which will require you to stand your ground, things no right-thinking man or woman should have to put up with. Oscar Mayer, the American meat and cold cut company and creators of Sizzl, believes that how you like your bacon in the morning should be one of those non-negotiable shared preferences.

Thus they've cut to the chase and created an app that lets you match solely with the kind of people who fancy their bacon the same way you do. Which is weird, but considering all the other arbitrary measures people impose on others when deciding to pair up, we say why not? If people can end up getting married/getting hook ups off Tinder, a site which matches people based on short blurbs and five photos or less, anything's possible.